Unreal Engine

Free Fire

This game was made on Unreal Engine 4 using Blueprints and Steam networking system, collaborating with other students from Glasgow Caledonian University. My role was as a gameplay programmer. The project idea was created by the Lead Designer in No Code Studio(Glasgow). The game is a multiplayer paintball sky-fi battle royal, the goal of the game is to let people with low to none experience in shooter games. I have implemented: reload mechanic, shooting mechanic, ricochet mechanic, power ups, jump pads, dynamic animation, graphics settings

  • Point of main contact to the client who was the Lead Game Designer from No Code Studios (Glasgow).
  • Developed most of the gameplay mechanics in the game and the UI.
  • Assisted the designers with fresh ideas, which were in the final build.
  • Created a successful prototype and documented it.
  • Leaded the entire team, throughout the development process.